Sunday, April 24, 2011

Praise Him Through the Storm and Wait for the Light

This month has been a month of storms. There are physical storms (the weather) and spiritual storms. I have learned to praise God through the storms, because that is the only way I can make it through each day.

My job has turned into daily storms and pressures from the storms that have caused me to question the corporate morality and consciousness. I have found that there isn't any. The goal of a company is the bottom line. I can remember when we took care of the people and the people took care of the bottom line. What happened to that season? 

I am afraid for our nation and the ridiculous drive to get to the top.  There is still only one person at the top of an organization, business unit or department. What ever happened to being satisfied with doing a good job and accomplishing great things where you are? How high is high and how much are you willing to risk to get there?

My order is of a divine nature -- God, family and work. At times, I have found myself convicted when the last two swap. It is hard to get into the rut of work, when driven by the fear of not accomplishing enough or selling enough based on those in authority (or high places). How do you maintain the balance? I have to pray and repent when I get out of balance with my divine order and ask God to help me stay the course.

The Israelites wandered 40 years and that is not my goal. I want to stay on the straight and narrow to ensure I arrive in God's time to that which He has called me according to His perfect plan, purpose and position.

In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9 (New International Version)

Dear Father in Heaven, as we listen closely to your call; we look intently for the path you have paved for us. If our eyes are blinded, help us to be still until you light our path. We trust in you to lead us and know that all works for the good of those who love you. Let your path be the desire in our souls that we walk toward. Only with you can we find the course that leads to peace in our lives. We give our heart to you today.
In Jesus name. Amen.