Thursday, July 31, 2014

Pray for Israel

Please pray for:
•    God to supernaturally protect Israel’s troops, and civilians, minimizing casualties and injuries 
•    Divine guidance and wisdom as soldiers work to destroy tunnels, weapons and terrorists 
•    Israel’s leaders to have wisdom and courage to stand up to the mounting international pressure 
•    Specifically that the Lord will guide Prime Minister Netanyahu and give him words to say, both to the leaders of the world, to Israel’s enemies who are listening, and to the nation of Israel 
•    World leaders to grasp the truth about the conflict, Hamas’ true identity as a terrorist organization, and Israel’s right to defend herself
•    That no Israeli soldier or civilian will be kidnapped and that plans to do so will be thwarted
•    The Lord will comfort the families who have lost loved ones, revealing His goodness and mercy
•    All wounded soldiers (there have been some seriously wounded today) to be healed completely
•    All the soldiers who believe in Jesus – and there are some – to be a light to their fellow soldiers and commanders
•    The Lord to protect innocent people in Gaza and give them a way of escape through the Messiah Jesus Christ
•    Israelis to stand together during this situation, choosing not to concentrate on politics, but to unite against Israel’s enemies
•    Jewish People who are searching for the meaning of life during this dangerous time to be drawn to Messianic congregations all around Israel, where they can hear the Gospel and receive eternal life with our Heavenly Father.

I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you - Genesis 12:3