Saturday, January 2, 2016

Facing the Jerichos of Today

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

Joshua inherited what his forefathers could not believe or receive from God. They could not get there, because they could not see it spiritually or naturally. Joshua was called and anointed to lead when Moses died. Moses, who led the captives to freedom, didn't see the promised land due to disobedience. Even though the children of Israel were given a promised land, they struggled to allow God to work in, through and around them to see it come to fruition. Joshua was faced with the infamous wall of Jericho which surrounded the land of Canaan; which was named after Noah's son and the land the Canaanites lived was cursed. Another dysfunctional story to read about later.  

As a child, I remember singing, 'Joshua fought the battle at Jericho'.  I remember singing with a mighty shout the wall came tumbling down. It was one of the song we liked to sing, because it was upbeat and not like the old Southern, slow hymns. When I read about the battle at Jericho now,  I see the text in a new light. I see who was behind the battle, as well as how the battle was won. Joshua didn't bring the wall down.  God did!  Joshua was guided by God. He heard him and he obeyed God. Hence, the battle was started and won. The instructions were simple. Joshua was lead the people in marching around the walls  of Jericho once every day for six days with the priests and the Ark of the Covenant. On the seventh day they marched seven times around the walls, then the priests blew their ram's horns or Shofar, the Israelites were to raise a great shout and the walls of the city would fall. They obeyed and the walls came tumbling down. The land was previously promised to the descendants of Abraham and God kept His Word.

It took the patience Job, faith like Abraham and obedience like Moses for the children of Israel to receive the blessing. Blessing always follows obedience. However, like the wilderness walk that took much longer than it needed to, we tend to hinder or slow down God's work with our own will and way. We tend to block God in an effort to get what we want when we want and we already know He knows our needs even before we ask. We can even block what He is trying to do in other people's lives thinking we can save them; when there is only one Savior and we need Him to save us.

In the context of today's time, Jericho is my fear, anxiety, insecurity, rebellion, pride, frustrations and impatience. Jericho is a mindset or attitude that keeps me from moving forward in faith or in obedience to God's word and His will. Our Jerichos are strongholds like fear, anger, disobedience to God's word, resentment, unforgiveness and bitterness. While in the wilderness, the children of Israel were not afraid of Pharaohs, but they were still being dominated by the fear of the unknown and unseen. God's word was not enough. Their disobedience caused many to die in the wilderness and their children inherited the land. Joshua lived out of his inheritance to receive victory even in his circumstance. He lived with the knowledge that God said he would inherit the land. He hoped, believed and received it before he saw it. 

The ram's horn or Shofar today is the Sword of the Spirit - The Word of God. Holy Scriptures are all we need to take down the Jerichos in our life. I recently heard a pastor say this: 'Satan will not linger where Truth is told. He will not loiter where God is praised.'  Speak to the Jerichos in your life with scriptures that are the truth and God's will. 
  1. I do not fear what other people fear, neither am I troubled about anything. 
  2. I am in no way frightened by adversaries. I believe in Christ and His power to deliver me from my enemies.
  3. Because I override anxiety by taking every issue and request to God through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guards my heart and my mind through Christ Jesus.
  4. Since God resists the proud but gives more grace to the humble, I keep myself submitted under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt me in due time; I cast each and every care on Him because He cares for me.
  5. I do not fear what man can do to me because I know God loves me, and I believe His love for me surpasses any attack of the enemy against my life. He preserves my life.
  6. I am far from oppression, and fear does not come near me.
  7. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, for my righteousness is of the Lord. But whatsoever I do will prosper, for I am like a tree that’s planted by the rivers of water.
  8. I am delivered from the evils of this present world, for it is the will of God concerning me. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen! Hallelujah!