Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Flood of the Enemy

The last few weeks have been so long and each day a new challenge. I felt like the devil was just playing with me to get me to go over the edge. He even tried to bring up thoughts and people I haven't thought of in many years. It is just like the evil one to go bringing up the past. Nevertheless, I prayed for the Lord to raise up a standard against the flood of the enemy.

So many people are suffering in so many ways right now. It is amazing how the news and the government want you to think that things are getting better. To that I say, if jobs left and companies close, how are things good? A company that closes doesn't miraculously open back up in a few months. There are many stories of unemployment running out and more layoffs. So, what is getting better?

So, the enemy comes in like a flood to bring fear, frustration, confusion and pain. In the midst of all that, we have to continue to pray for ourselves and  those in need. We have to pray for the ones lost in the propaganda that is being told every day. We have to be thankful for all we have -- our bad kids, tiresome job and worn out cars. Chances are, there is someone in need or want of the very things we are complaining about. Praise God that I have the sense to know that at this very moment.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation. The eyes of my heart being enlightened everyday to Jesus. Where there is darkness, spring forth light that I may see with divine revelation into every area of my life and family. Lord, we declare that you are our shield and sword. Deliver us from evil. In Jesus Name, Amen.