Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Gates of the Old Testament

Because you have read about these .....

In our Christian walks, we must first enter the Sheep Gate, signifying Salvation.

Next comes the Fish Gate. Remember, new believers bring more people to the Lord than anyone else!

Then comes the Old Gate, where we are instructed in the ways of Truth; after this, the Valley Gate, which signifies the trials that come our way and form us into images of Christ.

This usually involves the uprooting of our human nature, which we will need to do away with: thus the Dung Gate!

 After this, we come to the Fountain Gate, which represents the outpouring of the Holy Spirit; and the Water Gate, which brings cleansing and encouragement and direction to our lives.

Next is the Horse Gate, which speaks of the spiritual warfare that all Christians must pass through.

But it also, along with the East Gate and the Inspection Gate, reminds us of the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and the final judgment, so that we will remember to live our lives with Eternity in view!