Friday, October 7, 2011

The Leftovers

There comes a time when pride has to go to the way side. There are those moments when we remove the shades the false facades and break down in the face of adversity and desperation. I am immediately drawn to the stories in the Bible of Ruth and the Canaanite woman.

Ruth's husband died and she was left with her mother-in-law. As a relative’s field was being harvested, Ruth decided to go glean or gather the leftover corn from the owner. The owner was also a distant relative, Boaz. There was no shame in this act. She had herself and her mother-in-law to care for during this time. In humbling herself and stepping out in faith, she found not only a meal, but she found favor and a new husband.

A Canaanite woman came to Jesus crying out, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is suffering terribly from demon-possession." (Matthew 15:22) Jesus did not answer her and the disciples wanted to make her leave because she was “bothering them and begging”.

The woman continued to plead for help. When Jesus spoke He told her He came only for the lost sheep of Israel. Jesus went on to say that it was not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs. (Matthew 15:26-27) In other words, why should I help you? You are not Jewish. You are not God’s people of whom He sent me to help. You are merely a dog in this land.

She boldly proclaimed, Yes Lord, but even the dogs get to eat the crumbs that fall from the master's table. How profoundly bold and wise of her remind the King of King how mercy might work in her favor. It is amazing at how she had to humble herself in the face of being called a dog. Today, we would be ready to snap and say, “Oh, no you didn't call me a dog”. She didn't. I can only imagine her remembering the works or miracles she heard about or saw and had to think 'How Great Thou Art of God'.

Jesus then says to her, “Dear woman, your faith is great. Your request is granted." And her daughter was instantly healed. (Matthew 15:28) So, faith and persistence gave way to a complete blessing and healing. For a moment, imagine us being persistent in the Will of God and how satisfying it would be to see our faith to the end, complete and victorious. What if we started with the faith of a mustard seed and it grew into prayer and praise for that which is the desire of our heart and the will of God? For we know the will of God lines up with the Word of God.

What if we just took the leftovers and decided we would turn it into a feast of praise and a table full of bounty that equated to all of our hearts desires? See what just a little faith can do?