Monday, October 31, 2011

Living Real in a Surreal World

These times seem surreal to me. There are moments that are full of laughter and joy and others that are full of the pain from the suffering, near and far. My passion is people. I want to help people get saved, delivered, freed and full of joy so bad. I see strife, confusion and wandering bodies all around me. There are so many people I am praying for and so many under the umbrella of my leadership waiting on me to do something.

My biggest frustration is work right now. There are several key triggers that get me so wound up that I want to screen. The first is the reactive moves through every event and second would be the self –induced strains that people put on their own lives trying to keep up with their neighbors. How draining is that tale-tale life?

In my studies of Exodus.. I recall God asking Moses, "why are you crying to me?" Stretch out your staff and lead them across the Red Sea. Exodus chapter 14 is awesome. If you really read it, you will rest assured that God can't do anything without us. If it all depended on Him, why would He ask Moses to stop crying to Him and do something?

Do something... what in the world should we do in time of distress, stress and frustration? We should pray and praise God for the answer because we know He will never fail us. If we really knew that He will never fail us, we would be unstoppable. How awesome and mighty is our God? He said call on me in your time of trouble and I will show you great and mighty things you did not know. Jeremiah 33:3. What a promise!

Right now, I could sleep for a week. I am so tired and so much is weighing on my heart and mind. I pray for a calm and stillness like this body, mind and spirit has never know. I thank God for opening my eyes to His peace, His job and His word that goes on forever and ever.