Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Living in the Fog of Life

Have you ever found yourself just staring into space and wondering how things turned out the way they did in life? Or, where am I and what am I doing? There are always things you can think of that could have been done differently, as well as should have been said differently. I seem to experience this some weeks daily.

I am currently living in a fog called life. While there are parts of my life that seem good when it comes to daily interaction with people; there is the part of like called work that seems to feel like a wheel of sanity. That part feels like utter chaos and craziness due to the powers that be in charge of us. I have likened my manager and those in authority over me as Egyptian on chariots riding and whipping us daily. Where is Mose’s staff and where is the Red Sea that should swallow them up?

Home is good and I seem to enjoy the kids more and more each day. These days I have found myself wanting to have that perfect job that allows me to work from home so I can spend more time doing the domestic things women do. I love to cook and clean. I love to serve and watch people fill up on good food and the company of others. Since our last party for the kids; which included the adults, I have decided that we are all starved for true fellowship and a fullness that can only come from divine time together as families used to do.

I truly believe there are people in our lives that were sent to just cause confusion. How we deal with that loop that gets thrown into our day is very important. I am learning to let it roll off my back and even ignore it to a degree. With age is wisdom. The other thing I do a lot of is praying off the negativities that try to take me to a low place. I have victory and deliverance in the low places of life and decree redemption through Jesus. Amen.

Fog is the thing that sends you into a funk or cause you wonder why am I living and what am I doing next? My answer to that is trust God and take one day at a time. I am praying for all those that are under my umbrella of leadership and forging bonds wherever I go to ensure I am in right standing with God. God lead my children and work teams through me, please.

To get out of the fog, we must hold fast to the promises of God and ensure we represent the part of our lives that the fog hasn't crept into yet. There is a pure part that God has touched and is calling us to touch others through His Word of Truth. May I be so sensitive to hear the call and heed the Word that is spoken in my spirit.

ALMIGHTY God, who pours out the spirit of grace and of supplication to all who ask for it; Deliver me, when I draw near to you, from coldness of heart and wanderings of mind, so that with steadfast thoughts and kindled affections, I may worship You in spirit and in truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.