Saturday, January 21, 2012

Give Me Your Eyes Lord

As I have journeyed through this land the last three years, I figured out something profound.  If we are the body of Christ, my eyes have missed some important people along the way.  There are those that I passed by that needed the Jesus in me. I didn't take the time to listen to the small voice of the Holy Spirit when He said speak to them or ask them how they are doing? 

On this journey, there was probably someone I didn't touch or give all that I could have and that makes me incredibly sad.  This was made clear to me near the Christmas holidays 2011, as I dreamed of a woman I had seen two years prior at a McDonald's drive-thru window.  I don't know that I could have ever forgotten her face or the fact that she just seemed incredibly sad, but she always said thank you.  Her face was smooth and a dark chocolate color, but you could tell she was tired.

I believe God specifically showed me this face in a dream, because she was someone He wanted me to reach two years prior and I didn't.  This time, I asked God why her and said there is no way she could possibly be there.  He wanted me to give her money. I laughed to myself because I never keep cash. I tested this crazy urge to go by there by saying if I recognize the voice from two years ago, it will be your will Lord. In fact, it was her and she was there.

I ordered my usual -- coffee and heard the voice.  As I pulled to the window I grew more anxious. I looked in my purse and found the change for my coffee and a tightly folded $20 bill. I paid for the coffee with one hand and handed her the $20 with the other hand. She finally made eye contact with me and I said, "God showed me your face this morning and told me to give you this."  She smiled for the first time and I pulled up to the next wind.

By the time I made it to the next window, the guy waiting there seemed to look at me funny.  I thanked him and pulled off. An incredibly overwhelming feeling of being obedient came over me.  I believe I heard God tell me there are the ones I missed and I understood why my job search has not gone so well.  As I pray for God to lead me and close the door on any opportunity that comes my way that isn't from Him, I suddenly had the revelation and wisdom I had been praying for also.  My prayers now are help me find the ones I missed so that I may complete the assignment.

My current job doesn't satisfy me with its unstable workforce and executive management, but the "assignment" fulfills me totally.  I am learning to balance and listen with spiritual ears that lead me to the places and people that I left behind.  I am a work in progress.

“Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him… Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it’” (Isaiah 30:18, 21).