Sunday, March 18, 2012


Connections are important in this day and time.  Everything is about networking and the social media.  As a Christian, I am struggling to find the right connections and divine assignments with the people I come in contact with daily.  I believe my faith walk is about connecting to the "unchurched" so that they can find a place to connect and learn the Word of God. On the other hand, I need the "churched" or those who understand Godly fellowship to be connected to the church community and to have the village that I think we all heard about when we heard, "it takes a village".  Our neighbors are not like the neighbors I grew up knowing all my life.  You are lucky to have a neighbor for 2-4 years now.

I struggle to connect with Christians, because they are classified in a lot of different ways. Me, I am simple, I am there to do what the Bible says do and I think others come for the status symbol or to see "what's in it for them". I think some come like my pastor say, "country club for Christians" and that doesn't work for me.  I have found some of the friendliest and not so friendly in church and I often wonder why.  If the journey has us all of the same road heading for the same place, how can we be so off track?

My problem is I take it personally, because I believe that I don't have to know you to speak to you or to help you. I believe family is that person who helps you and is there for you and it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with blood relationships. In fact, the people that have been there for me have not been my blood relatives. So, what am I doing wrong that someone might not want to connect with me?  That is a question I ask all the time and wonder if there is something I'm missing.

My sphere of influence is large these days and I am a no nonsense kind of Christian. I don't play games and am not interested in the frivolous works that most people think they have to do in order to get into heaven.  I believe I obey the Word of God and do my part to help make this life better for someone in need.  You  know, set the captive free.  The captive is set free through hearing and knowing the Word of God, as well as in modeling it as much as we humanly can.  Thank God I am not perfect, are you?

With that in mind, we should walk this walk knowing that God is our guide and ready to hear from God daily, as in expecting to hear His voice and to obey. The Spirit of God is in us and tuning in and connecting to the Spirit is a goal of mine. In order to stay on the straight and narrow path, I must hear and obey.  My enemy ends up being my feelings.  Feelings throw off everything and can make you stagnant and fearful. My goal is to not let my feelings about people keep me from connecting, because that could be the goal of enemy in the first place.

Dear Father,  Help me to be a doer and not just someone who hears your voice and becomes so fearful I am paralyzed.  Lord, show me where I may not hear and connect according to your time, plan and purpose.  I need you Lord to keep me on Your straight path before my face.  Thank you God for guiding and directing me according to your Word. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.