Sunday, April 1, 2012

New Season

"Behold, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new thing; Before they spring forth I proclaim them to you." Isaiah 42:9 NAS

I declare and decree a new thing happening in my life, work, ministry and relationships as it is stated in the Word of God. This is my season of harvest and the bounty reaped will be plentiful.  In fact, it will be pressed down, shaken together and overflowing.  I declare in the Name of Jesus all my failure and frustrations are behind me. This is my season of joy, peace, success and prosperity.  I will walk in these new things with full confidence that the light of Jesus will lead me in the path of righteousness.  In Jesus Name, Amen and Amen.

Have you reached that point when you had to say enough is enough?  Declare your new season and ask God to open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing till it overflows.  I believe it to be so and can perceive this new thing He is doing.  My words are powerful when I proclaim the Word of God over my life, family, work and relationships. I know this to be true because God cannot tell a lie.  His Word is a sword that cut through and divides. He santifies His own unto His Word and that Word goes forth and does not return void.

Thank God for what He is doing in this new season. Be ready to reap the harvest and prepare for a season of divine intervention. The Lord is good and He will not leave or forsake us. It does not matter how hard it gets or uncomfortable it makes us feel. Continue to command each morning to take hold of the ends of the earth and shake loose the evil from it in Jesus' name.  Stand firm and wait on the Lord.

May the God of glory be with you, bless you, strenghten you and enlighten you to His will, plan and purpose for your life.