Sunday, May 27, 2012

Rest Assured

I am seeking rest.  The kind of rest that only the Heavenly Father can provide.  This rest is a calm assurance that all is well and He has me in the palm of is hand.  My rest includes peaceful sleep and not a care in this world.  The rest I need can only be attained through Faith in Jesus, because His Word promises to perfect that which concerns me (Psalms 138:8).

The world is spinning not just on its axis.  The world is spinning out of control.  We are all out of control and in need of divine intervention.  Whether we are christian or not, we all need a savior to save us from the world and ourselves.  This is evidenced by the destruction, disaster and devastation of people, places and things all over the news. Senseless crimes, deeds and acts are being committed daily and there is no real reason for the chaos.

I am seeking rest for soul.  My soul calls out and longs for a time when there is nothing going on and there is peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).  To have such a peace means my mind, body and soul are definitely resting. My sleep is beautiful and my mind is not active swirling with all the craziness that the world can throw our way.  Peace be still O soul, for my God is in control and all is well with Him who sits on the bow and leads me on a path of righteousness.

May the Almighty God open your eyes as you war intelligently in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. May victory come your way from all fronts in Jesus Great and Mighty Name, Amen. May Peace surround you and all that is yours in Jesus Peaceful Name, Amen.