Saturday, July 7, 2012

Roller Coaster Ride Through Life

In the absence of answers assumption and anxiety swells up in our heads.  The waiting is the part that always tries to drive us crazy.  We all go through phases where were are waiting on results or answers.  I am waiting on God for confirmation and answers to a lot of questions.  The Bible says ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find and knock and the door will be opened. I am doing all those things daily and waiting on the Lord.

My years of roller coaster living has taught me to know the seasons of good and bad are inevitable.  I have learned to ride with faith and that God will most assuredly bring me to a good end. I know the latter rains will be greater and far better than the former. My job is to believe with an unshakable faith and stand firm knowing without a doubt the Redeemer lives.

Seasons change in our lives just like the calendar does.  My desert season is also a time to rejoice, because I know that if I ask God He will allow rivers of Living Water to flow... even in the desert.  He will also prepare a place for me and a road out that is clear and straight. My job is to ask and believe.

What season are you in right  now?  How are you preparing for your roller coaster ride?  Have you stored up enough "bread" and "water" for the journey and ride? I challenge you to pick up the word and believe that you have a God who hears you and responds.

Heavenly Father, help me to grow in my faith as each day passes. And help me not to worry, but to focus on really important matters like my family and my relationship with you.  In Jesus' Name, Amen.