Saturday, July 28, 2012

As the World Turns

This world is indeed turning, churning and spinning.  The pot or cauldron is boiling. There is unrest in every country, city and corner of the world.  The news is filled with death, sickness and disease.  It is hard to maintain a steady walk and fearless thoughts, when there is so much breaking down and tearing up around us.  In the midst of the troubles, I am reminded that John 16:33 say, "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

These things are written and we know of them, but we do not believe them and we refuse to see the signs.  How great is the Lord who etches His Word on our hearts and brings to our memories things of old that help keep us on a straight and narrow?  Free will and knowledge of the Word of God is all we have and the choice is always ours. This land offers freedom  -- enough to allow you to live free or die in bondage.

To be in bondage is to live in debt, living in the past and dreading the future. We have eyes but we do not see.  Ears we have, but we do not hear.  These are the days of our lives that mean the most and we can choose to live numb and without having told someone the truth sets you free or we can minister to the hearts and spirits of the people around us who are without the Word and in true bondage to the worldly life styles endorsed and approved in this country.

What happened to living a simple, peaceful life?  The simple life is a good life.  It wasn't always about money or power.  It used to be about working hard on the land or job; while helping your neighbor and community.  What happened to "it takes a village to raise a family?"  The village is broken up and scattered.  There is no trust in the neighbor. Our young ones are but prey to the predators.  The wolf is in sheep's clothing, waiting for the lambs to hang back to the edge of the crowd so he can take them and try to destroy their lives.

As this world turns we must face hard days when we will stand for something or fall for anything.  We must decide if we will be lukewarm Christians, praying we get through the gates on "but I was a good person", or stand up for the foundation this very nation was built on -- The Bible and God.