Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fun Marks

My seven year old daughter has a wicked sense of humor when it comes to life.  She is nothing like me in that regard and so much like me in regard to her strong will.  I sit back and wonder how did that happen.  I also blame it on my in-laws when the will is in the way of my instructions.

She made me think about life a little differently when she started to get scratches and bruises as she started to ride her bicycle and scooter.  She said, "Mom, these are not scratches. They are fun marks, because I was having fun when I got them."  Her fun marks actually marked her defeat over fear as she learned to ride and as she was having fun, she happened to stumble and fall.  We always tell the kids to not think about it, but get up and do it again. She received that instruction and now we talk about the fun marks as milestones in life.

If I translate fun marks to my life, not all of my bruises, bumps or pain were fun. However, there was a lesson to be learned even in the act of getting bruised, bumped or scratched. Some of them I can look back and laugh at how crazy I was or how crazy or surreal the situation was during that time.  Oh, how I wish I had more fun marks than life's scratches and bruises. I consider my life's experiences to be tough, hard and full of long-suffering. This reminded me of Jesus and then I thought my fun marks are to build character and get me closer to understanding what Jesus went through on earth.

If I am to be like Christ, I will have lots of fun marks. In fact the Bible says, "Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves Matthew 10:16. When I think back, the wolves attacked me because I was not wise and did not understand how the Word of God was my sword.  So now, I "Put on the whole armor of God, that I may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil Ephesians 6:11 .  So, I may have attacks, but I win the battle in the name of Jesus with the Word of God.  Knowing the truth has set me free and enabled me to be victorious against every and all attacks. I find peace in knowing that "No weapon formed against me will prosper" Isaiah 54:17.  The weapon may form (in the form of pain, suffering, bruises), but it will not kill me and in the end God will see that I am victorious.

I thank God for wisdom and revelation into His Word.  I also thank Him for my very wise daughter who knows how to pray and knows that with God all things are possible.  Life is full of fun marks. Let's get them and remember how we won and learned.

Heavenly Father, thank you for making me strong through adversity.  I thank you that because you are faithful to me, I can be faithful to you.  Give me your wisdom to make the right decisions today and the strength to stand strong no matter what life brings, In Jesus' Name, Amen!