Friday, September 28, 2012

Too Many Chiefs

Everyone is fighting, scratching and kicking to get to the top.  Everyone wants to be first. We see it in traffic, boarding a plane and even in the workplace.  I have asked this question a thousand times, but "how high is high"?  Everyone can't be first.  There is only one person leading the company and one leading each department.  There is only one president. There are so many talented people out there.  So, why does everyone think they should be number one? The actions of a person like that leave me baffled, because the Bible says in Mark 9:35, "And Jesus sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.”

The thought of all the competition in the world exhausts me.  I am going for last because I will have way more peace. It is a priceless commodity. I have decided I will wait on the Lord and He will promote me. Whenever I try to do anything on my own, my plans have never worked.  So, I am sticking with what I know.  If God's will is for me to move up in life, He will speak and I will follow.  If I get promoted, it will be because God has shown me the way and leading me down a straight path.  I can hear the Hallelujah song now.

People at the top keep much later hours than I do.  Dinner is not at 7pm for me.  Dinner is 6pm and I have kids to get to bed. The people at the top travel way too much for me.  I like my home and I like being home.  If there is one thing I know about me is that I hate traveling and I hate hobnobbing with people I hardly know pass my bedtime.  I work outside of the house so I have to bend a little, but I really don't want to. I want to tell my boss no and that is that, but the job calls for something a little different at times and I need to be flexible. I thank God for making  me a realist, but he also knows that I have the ability to get along in any situation. He equips me very well and I pray very hard.

I am going to be just fine not being the President of a company or the United States.  In fact, I am just fine being a disciple of the Lord, a wife and a mom of two. Lead me in the right path, O LORD, or my enemies will conquer me. Make your way plain for me to follow (Psalms 5:8).   This is my prayer and I hope it is a prayer for you to pray.