Tuesday, November 27, 2012

These Days

These days seem to drag on and on.  It seems to be the same old strife and the same old people doing the same old things.  The news is the same. I don't know that I have heard anything new. It is usually just a little twist on something heard a while ago. We are regurgitating the past everyday -- as to be spinning on a wheel with no where to go and nothing to do. How do ensure this is not you?

If this life is "not about us" as is stated in The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, what do you do differently everyday to ensure you are not spinning on the wheel?  From day to day, we feel bad. We think everyone should know and should take pity on us. What if we turned our bad day into a good day for someone else? I am well aware of the fact all Satan wants to do is find a way to bring me down and make me think no one cares - especially God.  What if I counter-attacked my feelings by overriding them and doing a good deed? 

It doesn't take much to cheer people up.  A note, a hello to someone you have never noticed and even a pack of life savers on a desk.  Some days we need a life saver and not just the candy, but the gesture would surely put a smile on some one's face. Do it until the focus is off you and your issues. Use joy and giving to take away the thought that it is not all about you.  Use your eyes to look around and see the others who are in a worse situation or spiritually down right around you.

Lord, May all that we do this day, from morning until night, begin with your inspiration,
and continue with your powerful help. May our work this day be rooted in love and mercy,
that we might love you, and love our neighbors, as perfectly as you love us.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen