Monday, January 14, 2013

I Once Was Blind

One thing I do know: I was blind, and now I can see!” John 9:25

What a powerful scripture literally and spiritually. To be blind naturally means you live in utter darkness and not able to see something as simple as the sunrise or set. You can't see the toes on your feet or the smile on a child's face. It is so sad, but to the person that is blind, they find many ways to compensate for the blindness. Their other senses are sharper than any person walking around with sight.

I believe there is a spiritual darkness that some people have and they don't even know it.  They walk around daily with their eyes wide open partaking of natural beauty, but they can't see what God is doing in their lives. They can't fathom a spiritual world that is full of darkness and evil tearing away at people daily. These spirits of darkness are bitterness, anger, unforgiving heart and resentfulness. Can you think of someone? There is at least one person in our lives like that and it is a shame that they can't see that that is not God.

When Paul was blind, God sent Ananias to pray for him so the scales be removed from his eyes. Paul was blinded in his quest to persecute Christians. Jesus met him on a road and asked him why was he trying to kill him. To go after a Christian for no good reason and without love and forgiveness in your heart, means you are attacking Christ. Paul, through a repenting heart, and God  with His unfailing love and mercy, forgave Paul and changed his name to Saul. He changed his name to show the new person he is in Christ. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17 New King James Version (NKJV).

There is nothing like a clean slate or a new beginning. His mercies are renewed daily. And, daily He loads us with benefits.  Thank you Lord, that I can see you for who you are: a loving father. I thank you that I have eyes that see and ears that hear you. Most of all, thank you for speaking to me and answering when I call.  It is in your son Jesus' name I give thanks and say Amen!