Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year, New Beginnings

Happy New Year!

We have heard it over the last few days over and over. How can we start out with Happy New Year and by the end of February in a slump? The glitz, glamor and feeling we have from Thanksgiving to the New Year is over.  By Easter we are convicted of our badness and how we are not on course to accomplishe what we committed, by way of New Years resolutions, as goals to complete this year. It is like falling off the wagon over and over or riding the same roller coaster.  It gets boring and becomes fruitless labor. Has your life become a gimmick or a carnival ride? 

I am committed to living simple with a pure heart this year. It sounds easy enough.  It almost sounds like grace. We have grace by accepting Jesus and shedding all of the condemnation we allow the world to put on us, but we can't seem to do it. We chose to live under the guilt and weight of a world that is morally corrupt judging and deciding what we should do, wear, look like or strive to achieve. The American dream.... What is it now?  It used to be living simple with all of our basic needs (not wants) met. Why is it so hard to live simply while creating a sense of community with our neighbors, church members or co-workers? Instead, we build walls that surround us for "our protection".

We over complicate a life that should be simple and modest. Over inflated salaries and greed have driven jobs away -- not the government. Because we demand bigger houses, expensive cars with more up-keep, designer jeans and manicured laws and nails; we have decided not to live a simple life. We live to outdo our friends and neighbors. Merchandisers and retailers prey on your vanity and  impulsive, out of control behavior. It should make you feel like a victim, but free will takes away the cry of victimization. Deciding to live simple with a pure heart takes away all of the nonsense that seems to cause us to live in fear  and perpetual competition with a world with no values. We must appreciate and love ourselves; while being thankful for what God has provided for us. We were fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14, NIV) not for our own purpose, but to share our lives with people building each other up.

I resolve to live simply this year. I resolve to pray for and work toward a pure heart. I resolve to see others the way I want God to see me.  I am seen by God as righteous, because He sees me through the eyes of Jesus Christ. My Yeshua, My Messiah, My High Priest who has already paid my debt on the cross.  There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ (Romans 8:1, NIV). 

Heavenly Father, give us grace to hear your words of conviction. Help us to willingly be broken before you so that we can “walk with you, dressed in white.” (Revelation 3:4)  Help us to live by your simple truths and commandments. Bind our minds to the Holy Spirit and give us the mind of Christ.  And above all else, keep condemnation and evil far from us. We thank you for year of simple living with a pure heart.  In Jesus Name. Amen.