Monday, February 4, 2013

What's Your Story?

Everybody has a story. It is one of a struggle, a hardship or a pain that hurt so bad you couldn't even cry. Some stories are too bad to look back on that you can't scream, let alone try to cry through the memories. I bet you have thought about it, but you know if you look back it might really cause you to turn into a pillar of salt. I often ask myself why did Lot look back in Bible?  God told him not to. Wasn't that voice, our God, enough to cause him to be obedient?  Obviously it wasn't. And, maybe that is why we end up in some of mess that traps us and causes us to continue to look back. Obedience is the key to blessing. It might not turn out well for Aunt Jo, Cousin Nate or Momma, but if we are obedient there is a great reward for us.

I heard a terrible story today. It was from a man who works with me and his life is good. He isn't married and has no children. On the other hand, his college friend graduated at the same time he did and they pursued similar careers in Finance. One difference, the friend made it all the way to the top in the banking industry and was a Vice-President - until he decided to try crack one day.  He had it all and lost it all in a matter of months. In fact, he was homeless until his parents died a few months ago. He was living in his parents home with no heat, water or electricity. The man found out and has taken him in now. The friend swears he isn't doing drugs, but he is and is drinking also. In speaking with my co-worker, I asked why did his friend did drugs when he already knew the outcome? We all know, but what causes someone who is intelligent, with a bright future to just one day say, "I think I will try crack today".

The man asked my opinion of what to do. In the situation, he now has a crack head in his home and is trying to figure out how to help him. He is questioning God and wants to know if God is allowing him to experience this because He does not want him to end up this way or if he really can help his friend. He feels guilty and burdened because He knows God is trying to show him something, but the distraction of his friend's life in his home is causing him not to hear God. I told him he wasn't equipped to help him and that help needs ownership by the one requesting the need. It is one thing for the man to want his friend sober and doing well. It is another for the friend to want, ask and accept help. I asked what was in his past that could have attacked his future causing him to stray off course? I said it had to be his father and he said yes. His friend told him his father always told him he would not amount to anything. He proved his father right instead of wrong. He had made something of his life and his own mind attaked him and drug him to a pit.

Maybe God doesn't give us the burdens of others. Maybe we take them on and they were never meant for us, because we have our own burdens and pain to sort out in life. Maybe we are to provide the avenue for our friends to get help and that is it. To remove or carry the burdens of others means they are depending on you instead of God. Maybe....just maybe, we need to go through the tough times and bear the burdens so we can find ourselves  and God in the situation. He is the beginning and the end. He is all knowing. We are vessels to be used. The clay for the Potter.

You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book (Psalms56:8).  New Living Translation (©2007)