Monday, February 18, 2013

Have Mercy

Have there been moments when you just wish someone would have had mercy in your situation? All it would have taken was a few questions about intention or a true meaning of what happened -- without the persons assuming you were a bad person or the situation was meant to be bad. What is mercy anyway? Wikipedia defines it as a broad term that refers to benevolence, forgiveness and kindness in a variety of ethical, religious, social and legal contexts. Mercy is really a beautiful thing and I think it follow suit with forgiveness. People are quick to accuse, assume and act indignant when all we really need is mercy.  The bible tell us the following:
Psalm 145:9 says,  The LORD is good to all, And His mercies are over all His works. If we are supposed to be Christ-like, what happened to our mercy?

Ephesians 2:4 says, But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us. How can we expect mercy when we do not offer it up to others?

I am praying to have the same mercy for others that Jesus has for me. I have often prayed for the mind of Christ so that I may walk this land as He did "going about doing good and healing all those oppressed by the devil."  Acts 10:38.  How do we achieve this other than a supernatural impartation of divine mercy in our life?

Growing up in the South, I often heard the saying, "Have Mercy" or "Lord, Have Mercy". It is funny to think about it now, but a lot of the old sayings come from the bible. I have thought back and laughed so hard at some of the things I heard from my grandmother, because they were rooted in biblical text. There is something to be said about the old, wise people. That kind of wisdom is hard to find. What in the world happened to the old elders from the baptist church or the women who used to sit out back talking, canning the foods from the garden and kitchen full of smells like beans, cornbread and sweet tea. Makes me say, Have Mercy!