Friday, March 1, 2013


Peace is a valuable commodity. To have a day when nothing happens or a day when you can sit and do nothing but watch the snow fall is a wonderful day. The older I get the more I understand about life. The older I get the less I understand about people. If these are truly the last days, we are so far from resembling a community of Kingdom minded people.

We don't know each other and we don't even try to know each other. The old saying, "it takes a village to raise a child" used to be told in the South a lot. Communities were connected through family, church, "going to town", revivals, dinner in fellowship halls at church, etc. Now, we can all be in the same room and the distance is like looking across an ocean trying to find dry land -- no connections at all.

What happened to the people who enjoyed living simply and fellowshiping over a table full of food. Now, that is heaven on earth. Nothing says community or fellowship like food. When there was a bad day, there was nothing a good meal and talking about the "good old days" couldn't help or heal. There used to be priorities and our priorities are all mixed up now.

Priority is defined as: the principal thing, putting first things first, establishing the most important thing, and primary focus. If our priorities determine the quality of life and dictate all of our actions and behavior, then it is essential that we understand and identify our priorities.

The greatest tragedy in life is not death but life without a purpose—life with the wrong priorities. Moreover, life’s greatest failure is to be successful in the wrong assignment. Success in life is measured by the effective use of one’s time. Your time is important because your time is your life. And the key to effective use of your time is establishing correct priorities. First things first!

The principle of priority is important to the concept of the Kingdom of God. Why? Because if priority is the essence of life, then we should want to know what our priority in life should be so that we can live effectively. It may surprise you to know that most of the people in the world are driven by incorrect priorities that occupy and control their entire lives.

God established His priority at the beginning of creation and made it clear by His own declaration to mankind. Jesus Christ came to earth and reestablished God’s number-one priority. During His first discourse introducing His primary message and mission, Jesus established God’s priority for all mankind with several powerful and straightforward statements: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?” (Matt 6:25).

What would you change today in order to be at peace with yourself and who God made you to be? What is your kingdom assignment? If you figure out the answers, you may find your peace.