Thursday, October 17, 2013


Revelation is a wonderful thing. It is the proverbial light bulb shining above your head. If I knew then, what I know now....  Those are the words that immediately come to mind. Revelation tells me that everything in my life good and bad means something. It meant something then and it especially means something now. If God uses the bad to make something good happen in our lives, we should be thankful for the bad times. I know that is hard to think about, but it makes sense when you listen to the song "praise Him through the storm".  The revelation is God is with you even in the storm and you come out on the other side complete wanting nothing if you ask him and  allow Him to work in and through you.

When you have been in the valley, you can't go any lower. So, why not ask God to bless you in the valley. He can do it, if you ask. How many times have you been in the valley and felt like you were all alone.  In the loneliness, did you talk to God? Did you ask him to help you? How long will you stay in the valley alone? God is a God of the valley and the mountain top. He wants us to flourish no matter where we are and even in the valley, He can bring peace, blessing and victory. Don't allow your mind to fool you that just because you are low, God is not a God of  low places. He is right beside you....but He is a gentlemen.. waiting to be acknowledged and asked to intervene in your situation.

In the Book of Ephesians, we are told that  God will give  us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him” (Eph. 1:17).  The Bible says, Ask and we shall receive; Seek and you will find; and Knock and the door will be opened. When was the last time you asked?

Father in Heaven, there is so much to learn about You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I am asking you now, come into my heart and reveal Yourself to me in an awesome way. Give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation that the eyes of my understand will be enlightened forever. Never again will I live low in the valley thinking You are not with me. I declare that You are my God in the valley and on the mountain top. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.