Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Harbinger - My Take

I finished reading The Harbinger this morning. It was a book I could not put down and when I had to put it down, I just thought more and more about the content. Thought provoking comes to mind and I found myself going to the Bible and researching the Internet to just see these things for myself.

There is a section that particularly resonated with me. I had a dream in 2008 similar to the one Nouriel had in the book. It was the temple in Jerusalem and it was bombed -- blown to pieces. I hovered over it in the spirit and remember seeing pieces of paper flying around in the air. I remember thinking (in the dream) what difference does privacy of our social security numbers mean now, since the pieces of paper had private, personal information of the people. So, the book definitely took me back to that time when I was having dreams nightly about who would be the president and what would be the coming events for the future.

Dreaming is something I have always done.. in color, in spirit, in desire of the truth. I always pray for God to instruct me in the night (Psalms 16:7). My spirit is willing but my flesh hinders the hearing and receiving of the Word from God. I know He is always speaking. So, I must pray that as I sleep I will receive what my flesh hinders during the day as I get caught up in the crazy, busyness life. I assume that in the dead of the night, I can't think about what to do about this person or that situation. I also know that if my mind is at rest, the Lord has an opportunity to commune with my spirit who had longed to hear instructions for Him all day.

Like Nouriel, I long to know how to get a nation to turn back and seek forgiveness of all the things we have done to our nation, the people and each other. While we started out on a firm foundation, we are now so far away from everything our founding fathers did to establish and bless us. There are cycles to life and cycles to the calamity we cause for ourselves. As a nation, there is not one group that is without some form of abuse or discrimination. So, I don't understand why we can't learn from the past and love another as is written in the Bible.  Instead, we look for reason to divide -- we fail to see the same horrible acts and thoughts it within each group also.

The media is full of propaganda, lies, deception and sensationalism that is meant for entertainment. And yet, we have people sitting at home forming opinions about snippets that are fed to us and opinions that are so far from the truth. In actuality, most of the time no one knows the truth and we cannot get to truth.  So, why do we waste energy on division, anger and hate? If we spent half as much energy on trying to get to know each other a little better and understanding how and why a person thinks the way they do, we could probably find a common ground or interest, as well as more love than the former things mentioned. I am perplexed at how gullible and reactionary we have become to this new world of social sensationalism. The enemy is not outside. The enemy is within and staring us back in the face when we look in the mirror.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14