Monday, January 27, 2014

Before and After, Then and Now - Thank you Duck Dynasty

There was so much controversy around Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson's comments. As I look back, he was right to say some of the things he said and the Word he spoke was true; even if it was an offense. Quoting the Bible on national TV was bound to cause controversy. We all have certain liberties and freedoms to choose, as well as freedom of speech. When true facts are spoken from an individuals perspective and experiences they may be an offense to some; but certainly all people cannot and have not been exposed to the same things over time.

Growing up in the South as a young girl, I clearly remember working on the farm and our neighbors were both black and white. I didn't know we were poor at the time, because we lived off the land. We traded and bartered with the neighbors and we all owned the land. We considered ourselves wealthy because we owned land (to feed us and produce income). One thing I can remember my grandmother saying to me, as I sat on her lap, was God blesses the child who has her own. Education was important and working for the things you have to own them were equally important. Her comments were burned in my brain and produced an independence in me early on that helped me to survive the changing world and conditions around me as she passed and I became poor living with my mother.

According to Merriam Webster's encyclopedia, poor by definition is having little money or few possessions; not having enough money for the basic things that people need to live properly. At the age of 10, I understood poor very well and knew that the place and situation was not where God wanted me to be. My grandmother's death was also the first time I can remember speaking and hearing from God. My question was, "what do I do now?"  The person I knew as Momma was no more and the biological mother was not even a close comparison. So, I read, watched and learned, as well as thought about all the things my grandmother taught me.

On the farm, I learned to cook, garden, drive a tractor at the age of 8 and tend the animals. I considered that work and can also remember saying I would not be doing that when I grew up. There were early mornings and hot, southern summers with 100 degree weather plus humidity. The Summers were spent gathering food, butchering animals and processing all we could for the winter. It's not like we had a long cold winter, but we prepared for the worst. People have no concept of that these days and I am convinced if the fast food restaurants shut down two-thirds of the population would starve and die off little by little.  If nothing else, they would run around like raging lunatics lost and not sure how to find themselves.

While I am not a fan of watching TV, the comments sparked my interest and I am now a Duck Dynasty fan. I was raised in Alabama and clearly understand the situations, circumstances and thought processes of the man from the South to a certain degree. I haven't laughed so much at a TV show since watching Sanford and Son and Archie Bunker. I haven't been so moved by a family show since the Walton's or Little House on the Prairie.  Either way, I am thankful for a family that eats together and prays together. In Jesus name, Amen.