Friday, February 7, 2014

In The Absence of Truth and Light

Imagine a house on the loveliest street in America - Promise Street. There is curb appeal seen a mile way. There is a clean, crisp exterior and lots of windows. One could only dream of living in such a beautiful home that seems to be the true American dream. On the inside everything is in order and nothing out of place. However, there is one room tucked away upstairs that no one enters and it is a room without light. The darkness expands within the four corners of the room and can even be seen from the road in front of the house; if one chose to acknowledge it over the rest of the beauty that is so overwhelming.

Our lives can resemble the home described. On the outside everything looks really good and not a hair out of place. On the inside, tucked away in a corner of your mind and heart is a dark space that is protected and covered up. We don't allow light to get in and we refuse to allow truth to seep into the cracks, because of what it feels like or what it would look like to others if they knew about the contents of the space.

In the absence of truth and light, we become a sore that continues to throb and pulse from the pain we carry inside of us. The truth and the light or God's word represents a freedom that provides peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). The opposite of truth and light is darkness and lies spoken by Satan. He whispers in your ear telling you, you can't talk about it or share it with anyone. No one would understand and it would be your fault anyway. When we decide to cover up pain and past hurts, we cover up sores with pretty band aids that fester and eventually infect our lives and the lives our loved ones.

This week was spent reviewing articles about people who died or are on drugs as serious as heroin. I call it the ultimate death drug, since there are no old heroin addicts. Behind the drug is darkness, pain and lies that should have been exposed to truth and light; instead of being covered up by the momentary physical and psychological euphoric state of mind it produces. At the end of the trip, the passenger is awakened to the same pain and shame that caused them to decide to buy the ticket for the ride. It is the ultimate lie of the enemy; when the answer is in shedding truth and light on the situation to get it out once and for all.

Satan would have people believe covering  up the pain makes you strong. Or, he would have you think that if you hide the problem, it will go away eventually. God's word is so clear about our bodies being the temple of the Holy Spirit and not our own (1 Corinthians 6:19). If our bodies are vessels to be used by God (Matthew 16:15-18), why would we think we have a right to harm ourselves or decide that the truth really can't set us free as indicated by Almighty God (John 8:32)?  Maybe, disbelief is the ultimate lie of the enemy and it is why he seems to be winning these days.

With huge sighs, sadness and disbelief, I wondered why there are so many victims of drugs and alcohol.  The truth may be hard to speak or hear, but in the time it takes to speak it (bringing it into light), you could save your life. While that sounds easy, I know the act of doing it is hard. I also know it is a story to be told that will save you and possibly many people if they knew your story. I would hope that whatever happened to you would be seen as a bump in the road on a journey rather than  multiple pot holes and valleys in life that could end too soon, because you thought it would be best to leave the truth in the dark and not bring it to the light. 

The Holy Bible says this in Deuteronomy 30:19:
This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.

The Holy Bible says this in Revelation 12:11:
And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.

Father in Heaven, my heart breaks for generations that are so far from Your truth and light. Because we have chosen to live as though we are blind, deaf and dumb; we are people perishing in a nation that has everything. Our founding fathers knew we needed You in order to sustain life and they pledged we would be one nation under God. Bring us back to that place. Let us strive for the simplest of times and the best life we could live dedicated to Your commandments that we may receive blessing and favor. In Jesus' name I ask and give thanks in advance, Amen!