Sunday, May 25, 2014

Pale in Comparison

For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. 
2 Corinthians 10:12 

How long have you been living for the Jones'? You know, the neighbors with the bigger house, nicer cars and seemingly super glam lifestyle of jet setting here and there. Our culture is obsessed with all the things we want; which happen to be all the things we don't need. They consume us with ourselves and we worship the things that push us the farthest away from God. One thing I know for sure is that God doesn't care about the clothes I wear, the car I drive or my house. He does care about my heart and whether or not my heart cares for His people - all people. While we are obsessed with trying to attain more, we run like a hamster on a wheel. At the end of the day, we are exhausted and cannot detail one thing we did for humanity with purpose. The hamster runs and runs and never accomplishes anything.  Effort doesn't equate to execution or results.

The world is like a giant puzzle with people pieces scattered all over the world. There are parts that connect and some that don't, but in the end we will all come together to form a wonderful piece of artistry the Master can admire to see his handy work.  The common thread that ultimately weaves us together is love. It is the one thing that is missing the most around the world. The golden rule is still golden, just forgotten and never used. We look at each other and classify each other on our own assumptions and form opinion based on what little knowledge we have about people. The assumptions are usually based on how the person or persons appear; which is always false  information or fear (False Evidence Appearing Real). The heart reveals much more than the physical body could ever present. However, we often never get close enough to discover the heart and spirit of the people we judge.

My heart aches for the people who are wandering through life trying to get higher and higher, but ultimately do not know where they are going and are never really satisfied. I have fears for people who are working long hours and striving for worldly gain; when most have a treasure inside them or waiting for them at home. Peace is a commodity that is invaluable.  To strive for peace and joy is the ultimate lifetime achievement, because in the search you will find that Jesus was made unto us peace, love, joy and an abundance of riches. Jesus allows for all these things and grace abounds.

Father, hear the cries of Your people who pray for family and friends who are striving against the wind. Holy Spirit, gather the lost ones that are living contrary to their calling or the will of God for there lives. Bring us all to our knees and give us a fresh revelation of Jesus so that we can enjoy what He paid the ultimate price for on the cross. In Jesus' name I receive grace and thank you in advance for answered prayers, Amen!