Monday, June 2, 2014

Deliver Us From Evil

Don Basham has a wonderful book I just finished reading. It is called Deliver Us From Evil and Chosen Book Publishing sent me a copy to review.  As I was reading the book, I couldn't help but think back on past encounters with people and I knew in the pit of my stomach something was wrong. Years ago, I couldn't put into words the feeling I felt in the pit of my stomach.  Within the last 7 years, my ability to discern spirits has grown to a point that I can walk in a room and point out a person that is under the influence of an evil spirit. I have long believed they are on assignment to attack those who are either not believers are half-hearted Christians. I used to think I was crazy, but I now know without a shadow of a doubt the word of God is true when it says, the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10).

What I enjoyed most about the book is the real life examples and encounters of Reverend Basham. He documented and shared his journey through life and experiences, whether good or bad; and he also shows how he used each situation to learn and grow through God's word. Application is the first word that came to mind after closing the book. I have been in situations when I led pray for people and I knew there was a spirit present. I knew the spirit was hindering spiritual growth or health, but my fear of what the audience would think kept me from moving forward in authority to help the person be set free and delivered.  Deliver Us From Evil gave insight and confirmation about what I thought I knew and how to explore each individual situation in order to walk in the authority given us through Jesus.

Deliver Us From Evil is more than a book. It is a tool and a resource for believers and end-time warriors who want to live victoriously through every season of life. From scripture references to preparation to walk in your divine calling, Reverend Basham has left us with something more than a book.  It is God's divine will for those called to a deliverance ministry and those seeking freedom.