Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New Year's Eve 2019

The eve of 2020 comes with anticipation of new hopes, dreams, and expectations in the New Year. For many 2019, was a hard year. From first hand experience, there were separations, divorces, job losses, sickness, and death. None of that was expected or wanted, but the devastation to the hearts, minds, and spirits of the people experiencing trials and tribulations were very real and painful. 

January is not just a time of resolutions (that we break the first week). It is a time for fresh starts and new beginnings. The month is always dedicated to a fast for my family.  We invite friends and family to join us as we resolve to lean into our God - the Most High - and expect Him to move mightily on our behalf. We believe that fasting and praying will help us grow closer to God and open our eyes to all that God has for us on earth, as it is in heaven. This year, we are praying for the Issachar anointing so we know what to do in all times and situations. 

Of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their kinsmen were at their command.
(1 Chronicles 12:32 - New American Standard Bible)

The sons of Issachar were able to discern what God was doing and when He was doing it.

They also knew when one move of God was ending and another one was beginning. May we be so strong in the spirit of discernment that every plot, plan, and scheme of the enemy is revealed and God's purpose is fulfilled in, around, and through us.

Prayer is the weapon we will  use to usher in the anointing of the Holy Spirit. My prayer is that we are so filled with the Holy Spirit and our anointing is so strong that we understand the times and have knowledge of what to do in 2020. While the world may be divided, I pray my brothers and sisters in Christ are so anointed that we are bridge builders between the great divide in the nation. I pray we stand in the gap for our families, communities, and nation. I pray we are fully aware of God's calling and purpose for our lives and that we are blessed and a blessing to others for the up building of God's kingdom.  

2020 in Strong's Hebrew Concordance is הַצָּלָה and it means deliverance or escape. This is the time for scales to be removed from our eyes and for God to reveal Jesus to us afresh. This is the time for bondage and strongholds to be shattered so they are never put back together.  This is the time for captives to be set free. Ask God to be all that the Bible says he is... a deliverer, a healer, a refuge, and strong high-tower. 

According to your word in Isaiah 60:1, Father God, cause each of Your children to shine brightly in this dark land, Lord, let our light take it’s place on a lamp stand and draw others to You. May those without Christ see Jesus at work in us in all we do and everywhere we go. Raise up end-times warriors who pray and praise to usher in the Holy Spirit from our house to the White House. We pray that many will come to know You and confess You as Lord in 2020 and beyond. Forgive us of our sins and turn us back to You and a nation who praises Your son the Messiah. In Jesus' name. AMEN!