Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Power of One

God created one man, Adam, and from the one man one woman, Eve.
One act of disobedience caused all of mankind to suffer spiritual and physical death.
One brother, Cain, killed another, Abel, and caused the ground to be cursed.
One man, Noah, heard the voice of God and saved his righteous seed and animals.
One man, Abraham, believed and it was counted unto him as righteousness through faith.
One man, Moses, spoke with God and was used to lead a people out of captivity.
One prostitute, Rahab, had mercy on Joshua's spies and is in the lineage of the Messiah.
One woman, Mary, heeded and accepted the call from God and gave birth to a
divine seed called the Messiah Jesus.
One day on a cross and Jesus died or our sins.
One day in a tomb and Jesus rose from the dead and defeated sin and death.
One person can save their soul and live in eternity by crying out and asking Jesus to rule and reign in their life. 
One cry can be the difference between eternal life evermore and the finality of death.
One believer can preach by giving their personal testimony to a non-believer about the Good News of a Savior named Jesus who is a deliverer and life-giver.