Sunday, April 1, 2012

God, You Said

One of the most powerful ways to pray, is to find a promise in scripture and remind God what He said about you.
God you said, I am blessed and cannot be cursed,
God you said, with long life, you will satisfy me,
God you said, your favor is not for a season, but for a life time.

When you can say, God you said, all of heaven comes to attention. God is faithful to his word. Isaiah 62:6 in the Amplified says, put God in remembrance of his promises. It does not say, put God in remembrance of your problems. Sometimes we use prayer as an excuse to complain. God, these people at work are not treating me right. God, these gas prices are high, I don't know how I am going to make it. God, these children are getting on my nerve. You don't have to tell God about your problems. God already knows everything your going through. He know every need, concern and He know the number of hairs on your head.
Isaiah 41:21 says, present your case to God, make your arguments, bring forth your proof or a strong argument.
God you said, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Isaiah 54:17
God you said, your a very present help in time of trouble, here's my evidence, Psalm 46:1
God you said, the strength of the wicked is being cut off, but the power of the Godly is being increased. Here's my evidence, Psalms 75: 10
God you said, because I dwell in the secret place, no harm will come near my dwelling. Here is my evidence in Psalm 91.
It may seem impossible, but instead of telling God how you will never be successful, how you will never accomplish your dream; why don't you go to God, with an Ephesians 3:20? God you said, you would do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond all I could ask, think or imagine in my life. Why don't you take, 1 Corinthians 2:9, God you said, I have not seen, heard or imagined, the amazing things you have in my future.
Are you pleading you case? Or, are you presenting your case?  Remind God what of His Word and what "He said" about you. Make a list of the promises that your standing on. Read them over and over again. Put it up somewhere so that you can see it. All throughout the day keep not silent or begging God. In faith, go to God with a "You said". If you put God in remembrance of his promises and not put God in remembrance of your problems, God is faithful to His word. He will do what he promised. You will overcome every obstacle, accomplish dreams and defeat the enemy. I believe and declare your going to be everything God has created you to be. You will have everything God has intended for you to have in Jesus' name. Amen.