Saturday, September 15, 2012

What in the world?

The news reads as if taken from the biblical text of Matthew 24:6 "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come."  It is so clear to see Satan at work all over the world with all the killing, stealing, starving and revelling people in states and countries.  The world is spinning on its axis and in the spiritual.  How do we stop the things that are already in motion? How do we tame the beast that lives in and around us? 

I can only start with me.  Every day I try to do the very best I can despite all of the noise around me.  To find peace in an uncivil world is hard, but I literally arm myself with praise music and inspiring promises from the Bible to make it through each day. I understand praying without ceasing.  I understand seeking God in everything I do. I am faithful to that routine because  I have to survive and it is the only way I know how to survive each day. What do atheist do?  How do they cope in a crazy world with no boundaries or limits to the madness?  I can't imagine not having a firm faith foundation.  I can't imagine not saying, "Lord, help me". Or, "Lord, help them". 

We must do our best not to be alarmed. For me, that means not watching the news or any of the crazy shows they have on these days.  With the news, there is no difference between fiction and non-fiction with them.  In actuality, I don't know what has happened to the media.  Facts are mere lies and the truth is somewhere in between promise and propaganda. So that I am not tossed to and fro in the wind, I just choose to trust in God and continuing praying for understanding and wisdom. After all, if the end is still to come, we need to ensure we are not filling our minds with the garbage on TV. We must be clear, alert and ready for these are the times the enemy would have us let our guard down so that he may steal, kill and destroy.

O Almighty God,  the Father of all humanity,
we pray for the hearts of all peoples and their rulers,
that by the power of your Holy Spirit peace may be
established among the nations on the foundation of justice,
righteousness and truth; through him who was lifted up on the cross
to draw all people to himself, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

--- William Temple (1881-1944