Friday, October 26, 2012

Just When I Thought I Found Peace

Have you ever made it to a place where you thought you were out of one drama and walking into peace?  Only, the peace lasted for a few week and you were back in the middle of a different kind of chaos and you are just as tired as you were before.

Why is it that Satan always hits you with something old in your newly created life,  new job or new season?  It could be that he knows our weaknesses and like in The Art of War: " In battle, confrontation is done directly, victory is gained by surprise."  So, we might think that all is in the past, but the enemy finds a way to drag it up again to kick you in the gut.  In The Art of War, you kick your man when he is down and you fight to win by killing him. 

There is a war waged everyday against good people who try to do the right thing.  The old saying, "no good deed goes unpunished" has been true far too many times.  I believe it is a tactic of the enemy to keep us from doing good.  If we shut off all contact with people and hibernate to that place where we can on indulge our own thought and needs, no good is done in the world. The hungry are not feed and the lost are not found. We won't love or help our neighbor, let alone a stranger in need. 

Could it be that the very 'Art of War' is the the Art of Living.  Everyday you fight to do better, live longer and overcome evil with good.  Daily we are attacked physically with pain, mentally with thought of how bad we are and emotionally by fear and regrets.  In Revelations 12:12 it states,"We are overcomers by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimonies".  Let's start talking back to the thoughts that try to flood our minds with doubt, anxiety and fear.  When the enemy comes in like a flood (flooding our thoughts with negative words), the Spirit of God is there to raise up a standard against him (Isaiah 59:19).

I have peace in knowing that even in The Art of War it states, "every matter requires prior knowledge".  The book ends with the following:  "It will not do for the army to act without knowing the opponent's condition, and to know the opponent's condition is impossible without espionage".  The Bible says, "the enemy prowls around like a roaring lion. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world" (1 Peter 5:8-9). 

Lord, give us peace in the valley places of this life. In Jesus name, Amen!